What Makes You Feel Like a Grown-Up?


You show a kid this picture and ask them what they like best about it and I bet you they say the fish tank. (See the fish tank?) That’s because kids don’t appreciate table runners, adults do. (Certain adults.) I crowned myself an adult this weekend when I swept this gorgeous thing across my farmhouse table, and dressed that shit up. Apologies to Michael who wouldn’t know a table runner from a marathon runner, but man do I love this apartment accent piece. Yes, an accent piece. I’m an adult now, and this adult thinks about accent pieces. When I was a kid, I was tearing out Absolut ads and taping them to my walls. Were those my “accent pieces”? I don’t know. All I know is that my mom used to yell at me for taping anything to my walls, let alone ads for vodka. You’ll take the paint off! she said. I wonder what else needs to go atop this table for me to really feel the adult bone. Candlesticks? A basket of fruit? Do I need to spread my bills across it? When I was in college, I had this shared vision with a friend of mine of what the life of an adult looked like. It went like this: I come home from work. I am very tired. I am wearing high heels. I take them off. I drop my keys on the kitchen “island.” I pour myself a glass of wine. I am dating someone, and that someone wants to give me a neck massage. It ended there. (Perhaps with good reason as it sounds like a scene from a  chick flick that I very well might stream off Netflix tonight.) What makes you feel like a grown up? Is it the decisions you make? The money you save? The writing you read? The table runners you love…